
Comparative Analytical Essay

Decent Essays

The concept of truth has changed throughout history. Many can acknowledge that the definition of truth can vary from person to person. Journalism, as a profession should accept the responsibility of printing and broadcasting the truth. It should be its main goal to obtain the accountability, transparency and to promote ethical behaviors. My comparative analysis revolves around information ethics, responsibility of spreading the truth and media transparency. The first case is about the reporter’s agreement to quote approval. Case focuses on an interview with Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin and his republican presidential contender Mitt Romney. During an Aug. 19,2012, interview with ST. Louis television, Todd Akin said that women cannot get …show more content…

The question that we all should ask, is whether Romney really said these words and how can we verify the accuracy of these sources? It is important to mention, that government and campaign officials regularly grant interviews to journalists only under the condition of quote approval. As explained in the case, quote approval, is when a journalist agrees to send his or her source quotes to be “redacted, stripped of colorful metaphors, colloquial language and anything even mildly provocative.” The second, question that comes to mind is whether reporters should disclose to their readers when they have submitter a story for quote approval? According to the case analysis, yes. Kovach and Rosentiel (2007) claim that journalism’s first obligation is to the truth, and journalists’ first loyalty to citizens. In addition, according to Associated Press 2012, it is journalists’ responsibility and job to report honestly to their readers. Major news organizations such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, Reuters, Bloomberg and many others, have accepted the practice of quote

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