
Compare And Contrast Rap And Opera

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Rap and opera are two different styles of music that are aimed towards two different demographics. Whether one is more popular than the other is dependent on what it means for something to be popular. Stuart Hall (2005:66) says that things are popular “because masses of people listen to them,” and rap is a good example of this. Rap is currently more popular than opera because it is enjoyed by the masses of the ordinary by which it is made to appeal to, whereas opera is seen to be something for the higher class—not the ordinary. This provides the definition for popular culture as being spread by the ordinary people of the world wherein popular figures influence the culture.
In order to understand why rap is more popular than opera, one must first understand whom the two genres appeal to. Rap is focused on the beat and lyrics, generally appealing to the ordinary, young adult population. Opera is focused on evoking emotion and telling a story, appealing to the older, educated elites. Because of this, the matter of which is more popular is not rap …show more content…

Within the assigned reading, it was John Fiske, who said “the concept of critical discrimination has been applied exclusively to high culture in its constant effort to establish its superiority over and difference from mass or popular culture,” (John Fiske 2005: 216). This supports the belief that opera is aimed towards those of a higher class. Those who are well off financially and educated above the ordinary know that opera is not popular amongst popular culture, but I suspect that they are okay with this because it adds an element of exclusivity. I believe that the masses of the ordinary are okay with this as well because they enjoy being a part of what is popular now rather than being a part of what is considered unpopular, even though it is also seen as elite and of a higher system to participate

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