
Compare And Contrast The Three Energy Systems

Decent Essays

The Three Energy Systems
The Anaerobic Energy System
The term ‘anaerobic’ means ‘without oxygen’, however this does not mean that you should hold your breath whilst participating in activity. It means that at that point in time when the energy being used is created, there is an insufficient amount of oxygen present, and this is generally because the short duration of the activity doesn’t allow the body to create enough oxygen. Anaerobic energy production occurs during activities that last less than 90 seconds and require power, such as sprinting and weight lifting.
The ATP-CP/Alactic Acid Energy System
This energy system is referred to as the stored or start-up energy system. This energy system provides most of the energy that athletes use …show more content…

Unlike with marathons, the sport weight lifting generally uses the ATP-CP energy system. The athlete begins with the snatch and would be only using their ATP-CP system as they are performing in 3 bursts of high resistance movements. When it comes to the clean and jerk phase of the weightlifting, the athlete may begin to use some of their glycolysis system as they perform their second or third attempt of the clean and snitch if they have run out of stored ATP-CP to use the alactic energy system. However, in contrast to weight lifting, a marathon runner will use mostly their aerobic energy system as it is the most efficient and resists fatigue the most which is vital as marathons last anything over two hours at a professional level, this energy system provides them with the energy to keep running for this long. Similarly to weightlifting, marathon runners would also use a bit of their glycolysis energy system, but would quickly transition into using their aerobic energy system as the glycolysis energy system can only provide energy for the first few

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