
Compare Contrastive And Cognitive Anxiety

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Anxiety is a multidimensional in two separate ways. One is a trait component and the second is a state component. The difference between the two is the trait component is more of a personality disposition while state component is more towards a specific situation response. State anxiety is an immediate emotional state that can be classified by different emotional factors like apprehension, fear, tension and physiological arousal. On the other hand, trait anxiety is a predisposition to perceive certain environmental factors as threatening and in response will react with a heightened state anxiety. For example, if an elite athlete has a high level of competitive trait anxiety, then they will react at a high level when genuine competition is presented. This will cause them to alter the results in a positive or negative way. Anxiety can also be multidimensional in the sense that there are both cognitive and somatic portions. Cognitive anxiety is the mental portion of anxiety that is caused by fear, low self-esteem, and negative social outcomes. Somatic anxiety is the physical portion of anxiety which is increased heart rate, …show more content…

Drive theory works based on increased arousal will proportionally increase the quality of performance. When arousal happens the dominant response is most likely to emerge. The dominant response is the motor program that is already learned and will become the prime behavior when arousal is raised. For example if a 19 year old soccer goes to take a penalty in the final of the world cup, he is in conditions of high arousal and his level dominant behavior is likely to produce a mistake, causing in missing the penalty kick. But if the captain of the team goes up to take the penalty, in the same conditions this would cause high arousal but he will thrive in this type of situation because of his dominant behavior being able to produce a better performance by scoring the

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