
Compare Two Horrible Jobs At Mcdonalds

Satisfactory Essays

People only talk about a job that they want to do in the future. Why not talk about the job you definitely don't want to do. A job that you absolutely hate to a no end, a job that you hate with your guts.
My personal opinion of a horrible job is to work at McDonalds. However they are the worlds second-largest international fast food restaurant. Employees at McDonalds have a very low wage. With a low payments you can't really proceed anywhere and you barely make it to a next paycheck because you have to pay rent, bills and buy food for you and your family if you have one. Also, McDonalds makes so much waste product a year that is no joke. The hamburger at McDonalds are made horribly. Beefs are not real beefs they are something that just tastes

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