City Living vs. Country Living There are many advantages and disadvantages of choosing to live in the country or to live in the city. But the advantages of living in the country definitely outweigh the advantages of living in the city. In the city, public schools are often packed full of students resulting in larger class sizes and no real teacher student relationship. You would be lucky if your teacher could put a name to your face. Though, bigger schools in the city offer more courses for the student to take and also offer more extracurricular activities. Where in the country, public schools often do not have many students making class sizes significantly smaller resulting in a better teacher student relationship. Your teacher …show more content…
An engineer living in the city may make triple the salary doing the same type of work as an engineer living in the country. But the engineer living in the city, assuming he owns his home, probably has a much higher mortgage, and much higher property taxes. Not to mention, his entire yard is probably smaller than the house he lives in. Whereas the engineer living in the country probably has a much smaller mortgage, and pays a fraction of the property taxes. He probably owns at least five acres of land and cannot see into his neighbor’s kitchen while sitting on his couch in the living room. There are definitely more conveniences living in the city. Grocery stores are within blocks from your home, a gas station is to be found on every corner, and banks and hospitals are within walking distance. Living in the country means commuting to get to these places. It also means having to be prepared and making several stops to get all things accomplished in one day to avoid traveling back and forth several times in one week. In the city there is trash all along the streets and parks wherever you go. Who knows how long it will be there before someone decides or is paid to pick it up. Pollution is not a problem living in the country, unless you consider the smell of farm animal’s pollution. With fewer exhaust emissions and less industry waste polluting the air, living in the country, you can see the stars at night. Sure
From 1890 to 1920, cities in the United States experienced a rapid growth that was unprecedented in years previous. This growth was caused by a number of factors and resulted in both positive and negative consequences. Such factors included, industrialization, technological advances, migration and immigration. Although American cities greatly improved by the expeditious urbanization, these factors also developed numerous challenges including pollution, sanitation problems, a need for environmental reform, political corruption, overcrowding, high crime rates and segregation.
People in the city generally have much different ways of living and worldviews than people in the country. Adherence to rural customs may begin to slacken, groups of acquaintances and
Vancouver, I heard is very similar to Toronto since I like Toronto a lot and Vancouver is similar to it that is why I wouldn’t mind living there. I would move there because the weather in Vancouver is less crazy then Toronto’s, it is also famous for Its beauty and also the air quality is much better.
For a majority of Earth’s history, its populous has been free to roam and live off of the land, maintaining a balance between the habitat and its inhabitants. However, as technology develops the earth is placed at an even bigger disequilibrium. In the places where massive sequoias reigned, high-rise apartments now stand. Just as water rushed through rivers, cars drive down streets. The populants of Earth continue to innovate, industrialize,and urbanize, but at what cost?
There are many stereotypes associated with people who live in the city and people who live in a small town. A lot of stereotypes lean towards people who grow up in a small town do not have the chance to receive a finer education, or everyone who lives in the city are rude and arrogant. On contrary to these stereotypes, people raised in a small town can receive an adequate education and not everyone who lives in the city is rude. Personally, when I transferred from a middle school with a 1000 students to a school who had roughly 300 students I noticed
Living and growing up in a small town is better than doing so in a big city.
On the positive side, urban areas do have better access to choices in healthcare if they suffer from an illness. They have a number of specialists to choose from in their area. However, stress seems to be present in every waking moment while living in the city. Whether you live next door to a train track or on a busy street, it can be the most expensive component of life in the city and it takes a toll on your body through time whereas rural areas are calm and peaceful most of the time.
The country and the city both offer a place to live, but the pollution, entertainment, crime and education; are all reasons why the country is a better place to live and raise a family. A country girl myself, I currently live in the city with my family, but I would give anything to raise my sons in the country. Although much can be learned in the city, you cannot get that small town morale here nor the manners that come from being raised in a small southern town.
With an increase in urbanization, more people are moving to the industrial cities in pursuit of alternative lifestyle and jobs. Life in city and suburbs can be compared and contrasted with various aspects in mind since they share quite some details in as much as they are vastly different. Firstly, the transportation is more accessible in the city as compared to the suburb where there are no apt transport networks as compared to the city, among the transport mode in the city are subways, busses, trams and ferries. These provide easy, fast and cheap means of getting around in the city in as much as the streets are crowded. This is in contrast to the suburbs since owning a car is mandatory since such public transport systems are not available. When the costs of insurance, fuel expenses and time of commuting are added up then transport in suburbs is seen to be expensive when compared to that in the city. The easy transport in the city does not come all rosy since the city is also flooded with traffic jams due to congestion and this can render transport slow. This is contrast with suburb life where there is no traffic and hence with no congestion traveling in suburbs is more peaceful (Boulter, 2005).
If you had the choice to live in the city or in the country, which would you choose? Are you the hustle-bustle type who cannot seem to find enough hours in one day? Or are you someone who is much more easy-going and would rather have all of the time in the world to finish one assignment? City dwellers and country dwellers may be only a few miles apart, but what they do in their leisure time is often be completely different.
Another key point is commuting. People who live in the urban community have better access to public transportation. Citizens can easily get around by walking, taking a bus, and riding the train at a lower cost. In contrast, owning a home in suburb can be costly for many people. Not only do people have to keep up with their mortgages, but they sometimes have to pay a yard maintenance fee and their Home Owners Association (HOA) dues for the up-keeping of the neighborhood which can be very costly. Besides the home cost, people who live in suburban neighborhoods do have the convenience of traveling in the comfort of their own vehicle, and they do not deal with the concerns of public transportation. However, they still have to deal with the cost for long commuting and the wear and tear of the vehicle.
Despite the negative factors of living in urban environment, there are a great number of positive sides that affect the life quality of people who live in urban cities. Perhaps, the
Another two differences between these places of living are job opportunities and cost of living. There are more job opportunities in the city. People in the countryside have their farms. They grow different vegetables, fruits and make money on it. For instance, In Mekong delta farmers make two crops a year. They are Summer-Autumn yield and Winter-Spring yield (“What’s the difference”, n.d.). Between these seasons of crop there is a distance. They do not do anything during this period. In contrast, most people move to the city in order to find a job because it is easier there. For person who has a good education, the city is the best way to earn money because different offices, companies, factories are located in cities (“What’s the difference”, n.d.). For example, there are ChoRay hospital, Sacombank, Vietnam Airlines, National University in Ho Chi Minh city and these companies usually hire masters, doctors, engineers (“What’s the difference”, n.d.). Also another difference between them is a cost of living. The cost of living in the city is higher than the countryside, for instance goods are more expensive there (“Rural area”, n.d.). In the country, most people have the sufficient economy. They can grow plants and breed animals so expenditures are lower and they can live on their own. The country life is simple and comfortable. Nevertheless, to rent a house, to buy food and to use a transport is more expensive in the city but the
First, city life and countryside life are different from population. In big cities there are many people who live there, because job opportunities are abundant and the opportunity of better education. In fact, people live in urban areas because they want to have good jobs to get more money, and one of the best ways to achieve that is education. Nowadays, there are a lot of good universities and college that are totally located in
Although living in the city has many advantages there are some disadvantages too, the cost of the living is very high in the city, the city is always noisy, no fresh air and pure water. So it is hard to lead a healthy life. On other hand the village the undeveloped area for example, we cannot easily get many facilities the insufficient medical and education facilities, few opportunities to make money, little entertainment, no or little public transportation, also less facilities than a big city offers.