
Compare and Contrast Essay Good Boss Bad Boss

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The difference between a good boss and a bad boss is perceived by the employee under supervision. The most important difference between the two types of bosses is whether you can be trusted to do your job and do it the correct way. The employees’ feelings towards their boss often show up in the work that her or she does and the way that the work is done.
A good boss generally leaves the employees to do his or her work, but is available to help the employee if needed. As a result, employees tend to be happier, more at ease, and more likely to be more productive in his or her work environment. There are many qualities that make up a good boss. A good boss cares about their job as well as the employees who work under them. It is important …show more content…

Typically a bad boss does not go above and beyond to better their company.
A company can’t succeed without the people who get up and go to work every day and do their best to make that company a successful one. It takes more than one person to make a company succeed and that is why not only bosses but employees play a big role in maintaining a company. The way employees are treated is what keeps them enjoying their job, coming to work every day, putting their effort into their job, and providing good customer service. It is important to not only provide excellent customer service to whose entering a company, but to the employees as well. When customers are treated bad by those who are employed at a company then the customer tends to avoid that company and use other resources where they can get the help they need and are able to communicate with people who are helpful and respectful. This goes hand and hand with the way bosses treat their employees because like customers, employees who feel like they are being disrespected and not getter the proper help and training, they begin to not enjoy their job. When you do not enjoy your job and are being treated bad that shows up in the way you do your work. Employees may get that “I do not care attitude” or the bad attitudes from their bosses can rub off on the employees as well. Employees look up to their bosses because someday that could be the employee in the higher position.
When becoming a boss most people look

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