
Comparing Jeanne-Marie's Beauty And The Beast

Decent Essays

Disney’s Coercive Portray of Man’s Role Towards Woman by The Character of Beast Jeanne-Marie’s Beauty and the Beast and Disney’s popular counterpart both claim for a more profound value than superficial attractiveness through Belle’s romantic story. This is reflected by the character of Beast, which both stories depict as an ugly creature that needs to love and find love by other ways than what appear beautiful to sight. However, Disney represent this character significantly different than in the classic tale, making an ideological difference in the story and certainly transmitting opposite views about the masculine role in a couple relationship. In this Essay, I argue that Disney’s changes to the original character of the Beast in Jeanne-Marie’s tale, demonstrate an oppressive, interested and unequal relation with Belle that may motivate to have this view, and expectation, of men with woman in a relationship; which contrast with Jeanne-Marie’s kind Beast character. This …show more content…

In fact, Beast’s temper is the reason why he yells at Belle, slams her room’s door, and obligates her to have dinner with him. This use of the word masks the real harassment that those acts encompass, and make them look as the cause of a personality defect. One example of this is seen when Beast smashes tables while screams: “I warned you to never come here! … Get out!”, and Belle, scared, replies: “I didn’t mean any harm… Please, stop!”. Here, not only the fact that Beast has forbidden Belle to go into that part of the castle is already an oppressive behavior, but the aggressive reaction that follows is his accustomed way to react when Belle does something he doesn’t like. This expectancy I think is the most delicate part as shows this type of violence as perhaps a bad but normal habit, and the viewer, inadvertently, can assume this as not an

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