
Comparing Russia And America

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The largest country in the world is Russia; the capital is Moscow - the largest city in the whole Europe. America is only the third largest country in the world. America has 50 states, each with its own capital to claim, Russia contains only one. Russia is a part of Eastern Europe and northern Asia is going from the Baltic Sea all the way over to the Pacific Ocean. Stretching from the Atlantic Ocean over toward the pacific going into the North America continent is America. The nature of both this country’s is definitely visible, yet, plenty of similarities such as animals, plants, and climates. Russia and America tend to have very similar animals when it comes to their regions and cultures. Due to the fact that Russia is the biggest country in the world, they have a wide variety of animals. “Vertebrate animals of Russia over 1550 species - 700 …show more content…

Over 800 birds occur in the United States. Also, there are over 410 mam species." ( There are a lot of different animals in the world, but only in America you can find the creatures like white-tailed deer, wild boar, and mountain lion. Black bear is the most dangerous animal in the United States located in Utah. Furthermore, America has the most dangerous animal in the world similar to Russia, which is the mosquito. Mosquitoes are viewed as the most dangerous animals on the planet on account of their capacity to spread savage illness. In my opinion, America has more wild animals than Russia, that's why there are many animals' deaths, unlike in Russia. But the Russian problem is human, who kills animals for making natural expensive clothes. Besides that, Russian and American animals are pretty similar; they have the same types of dangerous and rare

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