
Comparison Between Potato And Onion Soup Recipe

Satisfactory Essays

Potato & Onion Soup Recipe is so healthy recipe. Potato & Onion Soup Recipe can be easily made at home by a housewife. Potato & Onion Soup Recipe is prepared in 35 minutes.
Ingredients for “Potato & Onion Soup Recipe”.
1. 3 medium sized Potatoes
2. One medium Onion
3. 1 tablespoon of the Fresh Coriander (chopped for decoration)
4. 1 tablespoon of Corn Flour (melt in a tiny Water)
5. ½ tablespoon of the Red Chile Powder, grained
6. ½tablespoon of the Black Pepper Powder
7. Salt as you want
8. 1 tablespoon of the Butter
9. ¼ cup of the Tomato, crushed
10. 2 tablespoon of the Lemon Juice
11. 2 cups of the fresh Water
Method of “Potato and Onion Soup Recipe”.
Remove the skin of the potatoes as well as cut into average sized pieces. Remove the skin

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