
Comparison and Contrast of High School Teachers vs College Professors

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Comparison and Contrast of High School Teachers vs College Professors

There are some similarities between high school teachers and college professors but there are many more contrasts. Academically speaking, both teachers and professors have grading styles and policies, deadlines and due dates for papers and projects, and a sense of compassion. If only I would have had someone explain the differences between the two levels of teaching, I probably wouldn*t have given up in high school.

It would not have taken me so long to get the courage to attend college. There are many myths that college professors are unattached drones that push you through. As for the high school teachers, they are more friendly and …show more content…

It didn*t matter much if you were in class, or if you participated. Although, if you did not participate or show up for classes you would miss a lot. It didn*t make a very good impression on the teacher either. On the other hand there are college professors who base your grade on many things such as class participation, projects, and attendance, as well as homework and tests. Actually your test scores normally is majority of your grade do take a good chunk of your grade, but, they are not the only things that affect your grade in college. You also have class participation which plays affect a large part of your grade as well. in most college courses. It gets the students more involved and seems to make them want to be there. It also gives them life skills of interacting with others and gives them a confidence boost. Which in turn, affects and raises their attendance. I believe you would have a more prepared student for college and you would probably see grades rise if high school teachers took more of an approach of involving students . (JUST TURNED THAT AROUND) You would also see students more excited about being in class, especially if class participation was a part of their grade.

There are also deadlines and due dates that are expected to be followed by both teachers and professors. High school teachers tend to hold your hand as a child so to speak, and remind you on a daily basis of when

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