
Compasion LLC Structure

Satisfactory Essays

Compasión LLC
The organization I have chosen to write my research paper on is called Compasion LLC., located in Norfolk, Virginia. Compasión LLC is a Mental Health Agency that provides services to children in the school environment and in-home. Compasión LLC was established in 2010 and I was their first Office Manager hired. I had the opportunity to enhance their policy and procedure manual and on boarding procedures.
Why Compasión LLC?
I have chosen to Compasión LLC because I have witness the agency grow and go through changes that has affected the company’s human resource policies and procedures. I have witness the agency developing new policies based on situation that developed. When I first started with the agency there were only 12 employees with only 24 clients. By the time I resigned from my position in 2013, the company had grown to 110 employees with over 500 clients. With this rapid growth the agency had experienced Human Resource issues such as Sexual Harassment Claims, Discrimination Claims, and claims of the agency not paying them properly. I have also witness where applicants where opening discriminated …show more content…

Thinking ahead and planning allows organizations to be proactive instead of reactive to situations that affect the organization. The Mental Health field is a fast growing occupation that requires a special skill set. Currently the company has no Strategic Human Resource Strategies put into place because they have always been reactive instead of proactive when issues develop. They do not have a Human Resource Department. The Office Manager is charged with the responsibility of enforcing and overseeing Human Resource strategies. This method of Human Resource Management has caused the agency to be investigated and fined. Also the company has a high turnover rate, low morale and in some cases can be considered to have a hostile working

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