
Comprehensive Case Study Examples

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Comprehensive Case Study on COPD, Heart Failure, Hypertension, and Diabetes Mellitus
MK is a 45 years old female, with a BMI of 37, 4. She has a medical history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus II. In addition, MK has been a smoker for the las 22 years. Currently she is complaining of chronic cough with sputum that is more severe in the morning, light-headedness, and an increase urination at night. During assessment it was observed distended neck veins and peripheral edema. Her prescribed medications include an ACE inhibitor Lotensin (Benazepril) and Lasix (Furosemide) a diuretic. MK has recently diagnose with chronic bronchitis. She presented with the following lab values: Blood pressure: 158/98 mmHG, Hematocrit 57%, HbA1c 7.3%, Cholesterol …show more content…

Clinical manifestation are jugular vein distention and dependent edema. MK has several risk factor that influenced in the development of this condition. The greatest factor is the history of 22 years of smoking. First, the nicotine present in cigarettes, is responsible to constrict or narrow blood vessels, increasing blood pressure (hypertension) and limiting the amount of blood that flows to the organs. Subsequently, increasing heart workload. Over time, the constant constriction makes blood vessels stiff and less elastic, resulting in enlargement of the heart, that is trying to compensate for the lack of …show more content…

According to the case study, MK has a history of diabetes mellitus II, a chronic metabolic disorder marked by hyperglycemia, due to insulin resistance, with inadequate insulin secretion. Smoking, obesity and a poor diet were definitely influent factors for the development of this condition. MK’s lab result included HbA1c of 7.3 %. This test measured the amount of glucose present in patient’s hemoglobin for the last 90 days (lifespan of a red blood cell). Therefore, this test is a way to determine how compliant a diabetic patient is. Normal range is between 5.7% and 6.4%, making MK result slightly elevated. Although MK is already getting treatment to control blood glucose by taken Glucophage, an oral antihyperglycemic drug, she could benefit also from changes to a healthy diet low in fat and carbohydrates. In addition, by exercising at least 4 days a week, she would help to reduce insulin resistance and weight control, decreasing the need of more potent antihyperglycemic

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