
Comprehensive Severity Index (CSI)

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Background Comprehensive Severity Index (CSI) CSI is a severity scoring system that uses disease-specific measurements to categorize different levels of a patient’s severity. [51-53] These measurements include patient historical factors, physiologic parameters, and laboratory results. CSI covers a wide spectrum of diseases; more than 3,500 disease-specific severity matrices have been developed. It has been applied to predict patients’ prognosis[46], length of stay, re-hospitalization[54] and service cost[55, 56] and so on. Additionally, it has been used as a control factor in both retrospective [56, 57] and prospective clinical studies [58], which is hallmark of the Practice-Based Evidence (PBE) Research [59, 60]. Compared with traditional randomized control trial (RCT) studies[59], PBE studies simplify inclusion of a larger sample size, promote conducting long term follow-up, and are closer to real practice as opposed to the restrictions placed recruitment in RCTs. Compared with traditional observational studies[59], PBE standardizes confounding factors and makes the study design easier, more reliable, and more reproducible. …show more content…

These measurements include the assessment of risk factors[61], quality of care[62], diagnostic criteria[63], etc. Most of these studies used rule-based method[62, 63] to detect clearly defined and less complex (fewer expression variations) measurements, such as glucose level and body mass index. For some ambiguous and complex measurements, such as coronary artery disease and obesity status, machine learning plus external terminologies[61] are often

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