
Computer Studies Notes

Better Essays

The International School Seychelles

CIE 0420

Theory Notes

Applications Of Computers, Their
Social & Economic Implications................................ 1
1.1 The Range And Scope Of Computer
Applications ............................................................................. 1
1.2 The Social And Economic Implications
Of The Use Of Computers....................................................... 3


System Analysis ......................................................... 6
2.1 Systems Analysis ................................................................... 6


Problem Solution, Algorithm
Design & Programming Concepts............................. 8
3.1 Making An …show more content…

In forecasting systems, predictions are made about the future based on previous data, and a model of how the system works.
Weather Forecasting
Computer-aided design

try to predict weather, taking data from sensors, using computer models of weather systems
(CAD) designs for objects can be designed, altered and tested within the computer, prior to manufacture

Monitoring And Control Systems
A computer is used to monitor a system through the use of sensors (such as light, heat, etc.) The computer can then operate devices to control the system (such as pumps, valves, etc.)
Monitoring hospital patients checks heart rate, etc. setting off an alarm if low
Nuclear power station control monitors temperature, etc. and adjusts coolant
Traffic survey and control checks the number of cars, alters traffic light timings

Automation And Robotics
The use of computers to control other mechanical devices. Usually requires some sort of interface which allows the computer to receive data from input sensors, and to control output devices such as motors.
Domestic automation
Automatic navigation
Industrial robots

washing machines, microwaves aircraft, ships, cars (GSM satellite navigation) used to work on manufacturing lines. Can work non-stop,
24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Can work in hazardous areas Expert Systems And Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the attempt to simulate the human brain, and its

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