
Conductive Hearing Loss Research Paper

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Conductive hearing loss is when there is a problem with the ear canal, ear drum, or middle ear. When there are problems in the middle ear it’s from an issue with the ossicles (malleus, incus, and stapes). There are several types of causes that can produce conductive hearing loss; deformation of outer ear, ear canal, or middle ear, fluid in the middle ear, ear infection, allergies, bad Eustachian tube function, perforated eardrum, benign tumors, impacted earwax, and Otosclerosis (Hearing Loss Association of America). In any of these cases, conductive hearing loss affects the brain by not allowing the inner ear transduce the sound waves into neural signals. The brain cannot receive the signals because the stimulation of sound is being blocked or severely reduced by any of the reasons given above. The brain is either receiving little to no neurological signals and the brain does not like to be bored (Wolfe, Kluender, & Levi, 2015).
The most common reason conductive hearing loss occurs is otitis media. Otitis media is a buildup of fluid in the middle ear, depending on the situation the fluid can be …show more content…

Infections are treated with antibiotics or other antifungal medication. Chronic ear infections, fluid in the middle ear, and the benign tumors are corrected with surgery. When conductive hearing loss is caused by head trauma surgery is also used to correct the damage in the middle ear structures (Hearing Loss Association of America). The most common reason older people have conductive hearing loss is from impacted earwax. As we age, ear wax becomes drier and sticker. This makes it more likely for the ear wax to build up and become impacted. When this occurs, your hearing will become muffled because the ear canal is blocked and cannot receive the sound waves as well. This can be treated by simply having your doctor remove the impacted earwax (HealthinAging,

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