
Conflict In The Workplace Case Study

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A study obtained from the Journal of Organizational Behavior emphasizes main topic points that workplace conflict can generate team effectiveness and result in positive outcomes regarding goal setting. The data used within this study was collected from China. The collection of this data within this location of the world can have a little bias impact due to the nature that the cultural values in the East are different than those cultural values of the West. This viewpoint will be briefly touched upon further into the analysis of this article. To begin with, the synopsis of this article is based around the knowledge of organizational behaviors related to conflict in the workplace. The research provided in the article was conducted among …show more content…

Those questionnaires were the final measurements of the study. Moreover, the results of the study supported their argument that conflict can contribute to effective teamwork. The article conveys that task conflicts and relational conflicts can have a positive or negative effect on the organization depending how the approach is handled. According to Edwin Locke’s “Handbook of Principles of Organizational Behavior,” relationship conflicts are based on “personality clashes and can be detrimental to team morale and the team performance” (Weingart & Jehn, 2009, p. 327). Task conflicts can be beneficial to any organization, only if managed when collaboration between two or more individuals share values and work together towards a common goal. The findings of this study show that facing the conflict at hand improved the worker’s attitudes. The findings also suggested that team members who openly approach conflict will improve their performance. According to the article, “avoiding conflict does not mean conflict disappears; eventually, avoiding types of conflict will result in competition” among members of the team (Tjosyold, Chun, Ding, & Hu, 2003). Competition will disrupt the work environment and may not result in positive outcome for the team or the organization. According to research, competitive interaction will allow members of a team to outdo one another. This could result in negative consequences such as the team members will not utilize each

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