
Context Analysis: Pre-Brexit

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Brexit is the term coined originally by British press and media to refer to the news-worthy breakup between the United Kingdom (the UK) and the European Union (EU) through a referendum held in June 2016. The word comes from the phrase “British exit” and has been widely used ever since speculation about the event arose. In the past 50 years, Britain has tried to hold referendum several times to decide whether to stay or leave the European Economic Community which later evolved into the EU nowadays, but no referendum has brought about such a huge change as the one in 2016. 3.1.2. Pre-Brexit British economic context analysis To understand the existence of Brexit in the first place, we need to clarify the economic background and position of the …show more content…

The Leave voters argued these institutions not only no longer serve a purpose but also take control away from individual countries. The EU forces every nation state to adopt the same law policy and every law and policy made has to go through a shared decision making process. The Britons want to make its own decisions and to be responsible to lead their motherland to wherever they want. Abandoning the EU is a way for them to retain control over their fates. The immigration crisis in Europe is also a triggering factor. Some EU leaders claimed admitting refugees was the act of morale. But EU opponents saw immigration as not only a regional issue but a national issue, as it could disorganize the life of the refugee-admitting countries’ citizens. Finally, the “leave” voters of Brexit rejected both the Conservative and Labour parties. Both parties had shown favor for the EU. People opposing to the EU saw both establishment parties as hurting their interests. Brexit was essentially a vote against the British elite. Voters thought politicians, business leaders, and intellectuals had become unable to control the system due to the influence of EU and that they had contempt for nationalism and the people’s

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