
Contextual Learning Model Essay

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In general, results of this research consist of three parts, namely validity of the learning model book, practicality of implementation of learning model, and effectiveness of implementation of model to improve literacy skills of students. The first result of research is validity of adaptive contextual learning model book. Assessment of validity is done by 5 experts consisting of science education, language, physics, and biology. The component of validity assessment of adaptive contextual learning model book of integrated science consists of concepts for describing model, language, presentation, and graph. Result of validity assessment of learning model book can be seen in Table 1
Table 1. Validity Value of Learning Model Book
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The instrument which is used to obtain data is practicality assessment sheet. The assessment component consists of three indicators namely usable, easy to use and appealing. The descriptive statistical parameter value of the three indicators of practicality of implementation the learning model is shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Practicality of Implementation of Learning Model
No Assessment Indicators Value Minimum Maximum Range Mean
1 Usable 75.0 100.0 25.0 81.9
2 Easy to use 75.0 91.7 16.7 82.1
3 Appealing 91.7 100.0 8.3 93.1
From the data in Table 2 it can be explained that the value of usable indicator varies from 75.0 to 100.0 with a range of 25.0. The average value of the usable indicator 81.9. Value of easy to use varies from 75.0 to 91.7 with a range of 16.7. The mean value of easy to use indicator is 82.1. Meanwhile the value of appealing indicator of implementation of learning model varies from 91.7 to 100.0 with a range of 8.3. The mean value of the appealing of implementing the learning model is 93.1. The mean value of usable, easy for use and appealing indicators can be grouped into very practical category. The mean value of three assessment indicators of implementation the contextual learning model is 85.7. This average value can be entered into a very practice category according to science teachers.
Third result of this research is the effectiveness of implementation of adaptive contextual learning model of integrated science

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