
Coronary Angine And Its Effect On The Human Body

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Angina is considered a pressure or squeezing pain that occurs in your chest area. This is usually due to your heart muscle not getting the blood it needs to the heart. The pain could also happen in your shoulders, arms, jaw, neck, and back.

Stable – Usually happens with physical exertion, but will get better when the person relaxes or rest. The reason for this is that the persons’ coronary arteries are severely narrowed because of plague. When a person is sedate, then the demand for blood is low so that they do not feel any symptoms. When they exert themselves with exercise or do strenuous work then the heart works harder and needs more blood and oxygen, but it cannot get it due to the narrow arteries.

Unstable – This usually is when a person has physical signs of a heart attack and means that one could happen soon. A person that experiences the signs of a heart attack should seek immediate medical help. This conditions is usually brought on by a blood clot that partially or fully block a coronary artery. …show more content…

A person may or may not have heart disease. When the spasm happens, it tightens the walls of the arteries, which narrow the artery and that stops or slows the flow of the blood to the heart.

Explain the mechanism of action of the classes of anti-angina drugs (i.e. how do they work?)

Anti-angina drugs are used to help manage angina by way of improving the function of the person myocardium, helping reduce the demand on the heart, or both. The two most popular anti-angina drugs would be organic nitrates and calcium

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