
Corruption Should Be Abortion

Decent Essays

Do you really think murder should go unpunished? Nobody does. Well that is what abortion is. Laws are meant to protect, an they do in some places. But in others, people think their rights allow them to take the lives of others. This is why, like other places, abortion should be illegal in the US.
One reason abortion should be illegal is because laws should protect people, especially those with no voice. Many people will say abortion is a women´s right. But what about the rights of the being she is carrying? What a law is used for is, “The goal of the law is fairness. This means the law should recognize and protect certain basic individual rights and freedoms.” Well don't you think life is a right or freedom? By killing these babies they are not getting to live, and that is something that no person has the right to take away.
Another reason is, abortion is pretty much murder. There are fetal homicide laws, but they only apply after a certain amount of time through the pregnancy. Think about this, what if a child one day decided they didn’t want their parents anymore , are they allowed to just get rid of them? No of course not! That’s what mothers do with their children though, they are not wanted in most cases no they just get rid of them. As if before they don´t even matter. In most of situations a decision is made, and even if they results are not what you expected you should have to life with them just like anything else.
Finally, there are a lot of places around the world where abortion is illegal. Actually, 25% of all people live with restrictive bans with abortion. Now, that might not seem like a lot but that is around 1,860,500,000 people. Just in the US alone 15 states have banned abortion, and all those people are still surviving without. Around the world it is mainly developing countries have major bans because of different diseases and such that they get there and not other places. For example when people go to get ultrasounds and they see something like their head is too small, they might try to have an abortion. This is because they do not want their child to grow up having a defect or not being society's version of “normal”. Do you remember the last time someone tried to

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