
Costa Rica Essay

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Costa Rica

Known for it’s natural beauty and gracious people is a small country located in Central America. Located between the countries of Nicaragua and Panama, bordered by both the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea is a true gem, the Republic of Costa Rica. Located ten degrees north of the equator Costa Rica is in the tropics and even though it is a small country it has a very diverse landscape and a variety of weather as well.
One unusual aspect of Costa Rica is that the country has no army and instead of a national hero being a general it is a young barefoot campesino (farmer). Costa Rica prides on the idea that they have gained through evolution what other countries have …show more content…

The central valley is home to most of the countries people because the area tends to be cooler and more mild than the coast and the soils are rich.
Since most of the people in Costa Rica are of the Catholic religion most of the major Costa Rican holidays are related to the church. Easter or Holy week also called Semana Santa, is a huge holiday and if you are in Costa Rica during this holiday, the dates vary annually, you will most likely see colorful parades, bullfights, rodeos, dancing, fireworks, fiestas, and church celebrations. Usually during this week businesses will be closed. Other holidays include March 19th which is St. Joseph’s Day who is the patron saint of San Jose, and September 15th which is Independence Day , a celebration of their independence from Spain in 1821. Another big holiday season is Christmas and the New Year. Most ticos (the name for local Costa Rican’s) take the whole week from Christmas until the New Year off from work so in turn almost all businesses are closed during this holiday season.
As for Costa Rican food it is not for the weak of heart because it can be heavy in oil. A lot of the dishes have a lot of rice and beans in them which is considered the main staple of the Costa Rican diet. The national breakfast dish is Gallo Pinto which is beans and rice in coconut milk. At lunch Gallo Pinto becomes Casado, cabbage and tomato salad are added, fried

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