
Counseling: A Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

Weeks before their wedding day

He decides it best to go their separate ways after attempting to work their relationship out by receiving counseling and going on relationship retreats, but he feels it will never be same regardless of what they do. He can no longer trust her after the situation.

She has been on her own for months. She is left to pick up the pieces and she feels guilty about what she has done and realize there was a better way of handling what she was feeling.

She meets with her counselor again to discuss her guilt and the lessons she learns over the course of therapy. She finds out that her therapist is the father of her son, sister in law. The therapist tells her about how his brother walks off on her for another woman.
The lesson learned:
It's better to tell the person that you no longer interested and walk away, then to continue to hold on to the relationship because your scared of the reaction they will evoke.

So she was asked one question
Were you truly in love with Eric? …show more content…

I was scared to let him go because I knew he was a good guy and if he found someone else, I would lose him for good. I lied to him about being in a relationship and it cause way more damage. Now, I cant have him either. He was amazing guy and he was fun to be around, but it took for me to go through this to realize the guy was with first loved me very much. Fame changed me, to the point I felt like I could get away with anything as silly as it sounds. I was curious and naïve like any woman who had no knowledge of what love was suppose to be. I was touch by the way he drew people near. He taught me that you can be loved by people when you just be

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