
Couples Therapy Informative Speech

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In some situations that find you and your significant other struggling to get along with no end to the rough patch in sight, seeking relationship help in the form of a licensed marriage counselor can be the first step toward healing. This is easier said than done, however; many people find it harder to start seeing a couples counselor than to go to an individual therapist, even though marriage counseling has been proven to reward the couples who are willing to brave the sessions for the sake of saving their relationship.

If you’re considering couples therapy, you probably have a lot of questions about what will happen during the sessions and what outcome you can reasonably expect. Therapist Mendim Zhuta, LMFT, of Therapy Now - Zhuta Enterprises, …show more content…

The amount of time the therapy lasts will depend on the individualized treatment plan that your counselor has drawn up after listening to and assessing your needs. During the initial session, your therapist will go over the therapeutic process and the confidentiality policy, and will listen to you and your significant other tell him in turn about the reasons why you came. He’ll likely ask a number of questions to help himself understand various elements of your lives and relationship issues. Both you and your partner should expect to feel comfortable speaking with this person (if you don’t, that’s a good indication that this particular therapist is not right for you).

Over the course of your therapy, you and your partner will work with the counselor to set realistic goals for your relationship. These might be anything from learning to communicate better during a fight to learning active listening skills. Your counselor will work with you by using a variety of therapeutic techniques, many of which you’ll be asked to try on your own at home, until you’re satisfied that you’ve found a solution to the problem or until you or the therapist decides to end the treatment

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