
Coyote's Fire Analysis

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Imagine a talking spider, who with the help of his wife, goes on an adventure to collect creatures to bring to a sky god so they can get his stories. The spider, Anansi, wants these stories so he can give them to society and memorize them himself. Imagine now, a coyote, and his uncle who is a god, Thunder, playing dice. If coyote wins, he gets Thunder’s fire, if he loses than Thunder gets to kill him. Both these trickster tales have things in common along with things not in common with each other.
The two trickster tales, “How Stories Came to Earth”, and “Coyote Steals Fire”, both have things in common with each other. Both these stories have God's, main characters that are animals, and successful endings. In the both tales for example there are Gods. These gods, …show more content…

For example, in the first tale, Anansi and the Sky God have a deal that Anansi must complete to get the stories and Anansi completes the task truthfully. In the other story, Coyote makes a deal with Thunder, but he cheats to win and Thunder still tries to kill Coyote, causing trouble. In one story, the goal is reached truthfully, and in the other, it is reached with lies and trickery. Next, in “How Stories Came to Earth”, the main character is a spider, who spins his webs of stories to the people so they can have the stories he obtained. In “Coyote Steals Fire”, the main character is a Coyote who fights the God, Thunder, so the animals can have fire. These stories go about giving their prizes to society in different ways, Anansi being the nonviolent way, and Coyote being the violent way. Finally, “How Stories Came to Earth”, is of African origin, while “Coyote Steals Fire”, is of Native American origin. This make both the stories different because the origins of the stories tell them differently than each other. Both these trickster tales have things that are different about each other that make them

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