
Creation Versus Evolution in Schools

Decent Essays

Creation vs. Evolution: the School Front
Despite great efforts to convince the opposing belief for centuries, a battle still brews amongst creationists and evolutionists over the beginning of life and the universe, but neither opinions’ palpability can be firmly upheld through scientific manners. Since science can only prove hypotheses that are testable and based on current observations, neither creation nor evolutionary concepts can be proven with irrefutable evidence. However, regardless of the inability to prove either concept, the most public school systems promote evolution as a scientific fact. Many students who lack firm beliefs about the origin of life believe what they are taught without giving any personal thought to the matter. Instead of robotically absorbing information, schools should present information about both evolution and creation to students and promote a self-deciding way of learning rather than forcing students to believe one theory over another. Benjamin Franklin stated, “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.” (Morris 1). Those who already have a firm belief either for evolution of for creation will support their view no matter what is taught in schools. However, the population of people, who lack an opinion, deserve the right to receive information of both theories in school. Devout evolutionists, as well as creationist, connect strong emotion to the controversy of what should be taught in public school systems, yet to

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