
Creative Writing: Life In Forks

Decent Essays

Bella: "Hi, mom."
Renee: "Hi, honey. So, you're watching a football game with Charlie, huh?"
Bella: (chuckles) "Yep. We were both surprised to not only like football, but we like the same team."
Renee: "I'm glad you two are getting closer. That's what I always wanted for you two."
Bella: (nods) "We're trying. You know, so far, so good."
Renee: "I miss you, Bella, but I know you need to be with Charlie."
Bella: "Yeah, I miss you, too. Life in Forks isn't so bad, though."
Renee: (sighs) "The reason I called is because...Bella, I wanted to finish our conversation from when I was down the last time."
Bella: (dryly) "You mean when your affair with Don came out?"
Renee: (sighs & whispers) "Yes." (normal voice) "I would like for you to hear my side …show more content…

I know the reasons why you cheated on dad. No one is perfect, I know. It still doesn't excuse the fact that you looked for comfort elsewhere."

(Bella was raising her voice so loud, that it was hard for Charlie not to hear the conversation from her point of view. He sighs deeply as he faces forward and looks down. He rests his elbows on his thighs and presses his hands together like he's praying)

Renee: (defensively) "Honey, you don't know the whole story. That's why I want to explain further."
Bella: "I heard it all. What, are you going to go in more detail on the affair? Please, spare me. Charlie asked me if I wanted to know more and I told him the same thing. I may be in the wrong by not hearing you out, but that is my choice. Please respect it. I need space. I'm..." (tearfully scoffs) "I'm so angry right now! I don't want to see you or talk to you." (tearfully sighs) "When I'm ready, I will. I gotta go."

(Bella hangs up the phone and looks towards Charlie. He faces her sympathetically as he speaks)

Charlie: "You talk to your mother when you're ready." (shakes his head) "Not a minute sooner."
Bella: (nods & smiles) "Thank you for understanding."
Charlie: (nods) "No problem."

(He could tell she didn't really want to discuss it further, so he changed the

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