
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

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The attacks of police officers in the workplace is becoming a larger issue across America. Intruders are walking into police stations armed with weapons and attacking officers more every year. A lot of these attacks are due to the lack of security within the police facilities. The police stations, while designed with state of the art equipment, are being designed to create a friendly warm space for citizens, which in result provides less security for officers while working in these facilities.
According to Atlas (2008), Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is a multidisciplinary approach to prevent criminal behavior through environmental design. CPTED strategies have been created to rely on …show more content…

The primary focus of this research is on the physical and personal security of police officers while in the workplace. Does the design of police buildings promote the safety and security of officers? A combination of academic references found in books, journal articles, interviews, newspaper reports and web-based articles were used to unpack this research. In addition to these texts, a survey was conducted of randomly selected police officers to provide data on personal experiences.
Research Questions
The following are the research questions for this study:
• Question 1: Are police facilities safe?
• Question 2: Can crime be prevented through the design of police facilities?
The study was restricted in terms of its choice of literature reviewed. The researcher does not imply in this study that this literature is 100% representative of the US population, so for the purposes of this study, the researcher did not broadly state the results were indicative of the US population
Significance of Study
A survey was conducted with 10 off-duty police officers. Seven out of the 10 officers surveyed were found to not feel secure when working in the police stations, as opposed to officers feeling secured. This is an important finding because it is just as valuable, if not more so, for an officer to feel secure in the workplace to perform daily duties at its full potential. Four of the 10 surveyed were

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