
Crime Rate In The 1970's Essay

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Before the 1960’s during the postwar era, there was little crime and the United States crime rate was fairly low. During the early 1960’s, the crime rate accelerated tremendously. During the 1970’s the crime rate remained high, and was constant. Finally during the 1990’s, the United States finally seen a decline in the crime rate until the early 2000’s. With the constant increases and slight decreases in the crime rate, I believe that the crime rate will upsurge within the next decade. During this research paper I will also be discussing some of the underlying problems of the crime rate in the United States. Some problems that predict our crime rate are Drugs, guns, gang affiliations, rapes, murders, things of that nature. Drugs are one of the reasons for the United States …show more content…

In 1980, the rate of crimes brought about by guns amid contentions was about the same as from gang contribution (around 70 percent), yet by 1993, almost all posse related manslaughters included firearms (95 percent), while the rate of weapon murders identified with contentions remained generally steady. The rate of gang related crimes brought on by weapons fell marginally to 92 percent in 2008, yet the rate of manslaughters created by guns amid the commission of a lawful offense ascended from around 60 percent to around 74 percent from 1980 to 2005. As indicated by the 2006 FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 447,403 thefts were accounted for to the police at the rate of one every moment in the United States. This is an increment of 7.2% more than 2005. Thefts shifted by with the Southern States having the most astounding rate of 38.3%, the Western States 23.6%, the Northeastern States 18.5%, and the Midwestern States at 19.5%. Robbery rates did not fluctuate definitely from month-to-month, be that as it may, August and October had the most elevated rate with February and April having the least

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