
Critical Analysis

Satisfactory Essays
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Journal #1
Select one of the readings mentioned in the syllabus for the Critical Analysis essay. What is one point the author works to prove in the essay you are analyzing? What does he say to prove his point? Does he use facts, evidence, statistics, graphs, deductive or inductive logic, emotion, satire? (See Chap. 3 of Current Issues or Critical Thinking.) Now make a critical statement: If the author uses facts, does he or she use facts in such a way that he or she convinces his or her audience the author is right? If statistics are used, are they relevant statistics; do they help show the validity of the author’s argument? If deductive logic is used, show that logic and then explain how it does or does not clarify the writer’s argument. …show more content…

His basic statement is not proven to be true, so his conclusion will not work.

6. Transition to the next par. (Optional)

1st Body Paragraph (Write out 1-6 above in relation to the first quotation you have selected from your target essay.)

2nd Body Paragraph (Write out 1-6 in relation to the 2nd quotation.)

3rd Body Paragraph (optional: You can stop at 2 body paragraphs as long as you end up with 500+ words in your final Critical Analysis paper.) (Write out 1-6 in relation to the 3rd quotation.)


After you have created the 2-3 body paragraphs, THEN construct the Introduction and Conclusion:

Introduction(Include each of the 6 elements listed below.)
1. Make an interesting opening remark.
2. State the author’s name and the title of the essay you are analyzing
3. Summarize the essay you are analyzing.
4. Who is the author’s audience? What is the author 's Purpose?
5. Tell your reader what your essay will be about. What will you discuss in the 2-3 Body Paragraphs?
6. State your thesis. (What is your paper going to discuss? Thesis should makea statement indicating how you are going to criticize the essay you are analyzing.)


Conclusion( Include each of the 5 elements listed.)

1.Tie together what you have already said in your paper.
2. Review what was

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