
Criticism of Preconceived Female Roles in "Pink Think," by Lynn Peril

Decent Essays

In her essay "Pink Think," Lynn Peril explains and criticizes “Pink Think” roles by showing that the world has changed and now women have more roles than ever before. With her argument, Lynn Peril describes the preconception of female, how feminine ideal affects women’s life, as well as claims that “Pink Think” or those prejudices should be modified.
From the beginning, Lynn Peril illustrates situations in which women have to deal with a bunch of admonitions to become more feminine and good-natured. And these tips are not just some other normal tips; they become famous and being rulers to evaluate the dignity of women. Then, the author goes on to relate her real “Pink Think” experience throughout her life and express her strong feelings, …show more content…

Seriously, pink think propagated that the only thing women could do was house chore, and if they went to work or had careers, they would become less feminine and manlier.
Finally, Lynn Peril concludes that nowadays, even though those stereotypes have become lighter and less severe, the long and profound development of pink think makes it be extremely hard to alter and modify, especially in human’s awareness and posture.
Transformation in Feminine Ideal Since humanity began, the men are always considered as the protectors, the winners, and the leaders of the world. How about women? Does the woman have to cook, clean and raise the children? Can a woman join the military or have a hard-working job? Nowadays, notwithstanding earning many achievements in various spheres, some people still have the prejudice that a woman has to belong to the kitchen! To illustrate what society thinks of a woman and what ideas should be changed, Lynn Peril published her argument, “Pink Think.” By arguing on all sides, she built “Pink Think” to become an effective essay, which would go into my heart and my mind for a long time.
In “Pink Think”, Lynn Peril used a powerful method to influence the audiences’ thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, effectively. First of all, she did not start the essay in the usual way. Unlike other introductions, in her beginning, she related her real experiment first. She narrated her

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