DBA Student : Romeo B. Leneses Jr.
Astrological Sign: PISCES
Subject: Philosophy of Business
Professor: Dr. Carlos Manapat
The Book of Eli
Superbly written and astonishing storytelling!
At first, I thought the Book of Eli is just another ferocious film featuring what life would have been after the judgement day. But beyond the blood-sputtered scenes and vulgar language, viewers will appreciate the simplicity of the story and the complexity and profoundness of its nature and form. The film features a compelling story based on the Christian bible which for me exceeded majority of some motion pictures released in the past years.
Denzel Washington, an Oscar winner and a self -professed Christian, was able to portray his character with so much sincerity and profoundness of depth and emotion. In a world of chaos where violence and desire for survival prevails, Eli was given an important
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But for me, the rating was unnecessary because it only depicts the reality of life in a post-apocalyptic world. Directors and scriptwriters definitely didn’t hold back on the violence by showing the bits and pieces of the evil world. There are scenes where women are taken advantage of by cold-blooded gangs. Face-to-Face warfare and weapons fighting also became a norm throughout the movie.
The Book of Eli is a well-built story about a strong-minded man who will do anything and everything just to follow and obey the will of the Lord. However, the cruelty and explicit language used is inappropriate for families. Anyway, I believe it is really meant for adult audiences so maybe in the near future the director would consider releasing the same quality movie that will reach the masses.
The book goes on to display the role and environment of Elie. In Elies community, they had a hope of safety and satisfaction of believing that the war would not reach them and that they would remain untouched. The story jumps right
Elie’s faith in his Lord and his instinctive love for humanity are put to their final tests as the novel approaches its climax and conclusion. After witnessing the malicious, brutal hanging of an innocent child, Elie comes to the
The next revelation was the discovery that it is possible to still work for the Lord in ministry while you despise him. Dr. Price details this point and vividly describes what can happen when we have unresolved issues in our heart toward the Lord, by thoroughly breaking down Eli’s demise. It reminded me that many men and women of God can honor the Lord with their lips but their hearts can be far from him as stated in Matthew 15:8. Eli honored the duties of his office, but with his refusal to correct his heart and not roll his contempt for the Lord over to his sons explains why God had nothing to say to him. The Lord resist the proud or hard hearted but extends grace to the humble. Eli didn’t protect the office or the people that he was
Eli has a gold crown and the doctor wants to pull it out but Eli lied and had said he wasn’t feeling
The 1955 dramatic film, East of Eden, directed by Elia Kazan, is a movie adaptation of the popular book written in 1952. Throughout this drama, moviegoers embark on a journey through various thematic topics such as the idea of good vs evil, the importance of repentance and redemption, and the human ideal of free will. For example, multiple characters in the film are split into two categories: those who are naturally good and those who are naturally evil. With this idea, characters either act how they are born or act on their free will to be who they want to be.
This shows Elie’s change in his thoughts on God and having faith. At the beginning of the story, Elie strives to be a spiritual kid and is fascinated by learning about God. He goes behind his father's back to learn about God with Moishe the Beadle, and has intense prayers everyday which he cries during. However, he becomes bitter towards God, angry about all the pain he has inflicted on the Jewish race. This change in perspective was brought on by the torture, abuse, and inhumane treatment by the Nazis. It causes Elie to question how God, who is supposed to be helpful and good, could ever allow such horror. This connects to loss, and how the traumatic
The individual rating types are also not a good portrayal of the movie as a whole. Bully was a perfect example of this. Amanda Kehrberg from the Phoenix New Times says “The R-rating is based on a handful of swear words used by students in the film who, by the MPAA's standards, wouldn't be allowed to watch
Post apocalyptic movie is a movie that set in a world or civilization after a disaster. It is a sub-genre of speculative fiction that is concerned with the collapse of civilization through various disasters such as nuclear war, plague, energy shortages, flood, earthquake, or political conflict (Moon 1). There are Movies such as 2012, Resident Evil, Doomsday, Children of Men, 28 Days Later and the adaptations of The Road, I Am Legend, and The Hunger Games have all had some degree of success in recent years (Miller 52). The Book of Eli movie shows the fragility of human civilization with violence and inhuman condition. Therefore, Eli takes a journey to spread the wise words from Bible in order to civilize people. This study focus on the stages of Journey that African American man has taken, not the event of Post apocalypse.
One of my favorite stories in the bible is about Paul and Silas and how they were able to overcome. They had a mind to be triumphant. In a dark, dismal, and hopeless situation, Paul and Silas began to sing. I’m sure that they weren’t singing any of the classic or mainstream R&B, Country or Pop songs. Don’t get me wrong, those songs are nice. But when you are going through, you need to sing something that is going to strengthen your faith. You need to pull out that good ol Thomas Dorsey, “Like a ship that’s tossed and driven, battered by an angry sea; when the storms of life are raging, and their fury falls on me. I wonder what I have done, that makes this race so hard to run; then I say to my soul, take courage, the Lord will make a way somehow!” In other words, though I’ve been beaten, hurt and taken advantage of, I know that the Lord will make a way somehow. Though the pain in my body becomes unbearable, I know that He will make a way somehow. Like a ship, I’ve been tossed and driven, battered by the angry sea of life, yet, I will encourage my soul for the Lord will make a way somehow. Every now and then, you’ve got to learn to encourage yourself. You’ve got to learn to speak over your life abundance, blessings, and favor.
To start off with their different personalities. In the beginning of Night Elie was a religious little kid who wanted to know everything about his religion. He was very kind and listened to his parents. Soon after being separated from his mom he began to change. He became more independent. Although he still took care of his dad he didn't
Elisha responded well to the intervention. Elisha continues to make progress towards his goals. Elisha stated, that getting upset, crying, worried, sand and scared. Elisha stated, that the emotions he felt the first day of school was excited, nervous and happy. Elisha stated, to show caring, strength and weakness and sadness and happiness. Elisha stated, that’s miles, cannot stay still and excited. Elisha stated is important it helps with identifying a person feelings, and showing how someone else is feeling. Elisha was able to complete the worksheet with assistance. Elisha was able to act out emotions such as, joy, anger, sadness, and being worried. Elisha stated, that he get emotional, when he is upset and is afraid. Elisha stated, that
BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! Eli’s eyes darted toward the source of the unfamiliar sound. Why didn’t he know what the beep meant, he had only been working there for *** years. As his head flung around his short brown hair brushed across his forehead. His eyes stopped dead on a blinking red light. It was flashing the letters MWP that stood for Main Water Pipe, and Eli’s stomach dropped. This pipe has been supplying the whole town with water for 50 years, what possibly could be wrong? Eli calmed down and figured it was probably a small crack or the flow of the water has slown down, nothing big, but it was probably best that he go to investigate. Eli gathered the typical tools that he thought should suit the job he was expecting. Little did he know that
This sort of rating usually subverts common horror ratings as it is very low but this was requested by the film makers. The film starred Daniel Radcliff an actor who starred in the renowned harry potter series of films all rated at 12A so Radcliff’s fans that are usually younger were attracted to the film which aided in it’s lower rating the film makers wanted to appeal to this so the film was not as graphic as some other horror films but some parents and the BBFC still has some concerns for the children watching it at age of 12 because they found that supernatural being convincing children to kill themselves and murdering people would disturb younger children the children who wouldn’t usually watch horror films were brought by Radcliff another scene were concerns were raised was with the woman in black hanging herself from a noose and the young girl setting herself on fire with an oil lamp so they cut certain scenes darkened certain shots and reduced sound affects to achieve the lower rating which is all unconventional of a horror
The first 30 minutes of “The Book of Eli” give you a mood like none other. You’ve got your typical movie post-apocalyptic America, full of billboard ruins and dead skeletons in ruined cars. Our supposed protagonist, Denzel Washington walks around this post-apocalyptic time killing cats for food and their cosmetic properties and scoring precious commodities like shoes and wet wipes off of dead bodies. However was the killing of the cat a symbolic situation? This is because the feline is looked upon as a feminine pet and he murders it so brutally then eats it. He camps in abandoned houses and makes friends with rats to break up the boredom. Though, as bad as things are, he still has a working music. The music humanized his Denzel
My conscience battled with my curiosity. I read reviews and short summaries of the story, carefully tiptoeing around actually reading the work. On one hand, I didn’t know what effect the violence contained in the story would have on me. I read that it gave some adults nightmares. On the other hand, what if it had no effect on me? What if I came out of the experience completely unscathed, while some adults were left whimpering in their