
Crucial Tips On How To Survive Grade 6

Satisfactory Essays

How to Survive Grade 6 Are you in Grade 6? If you are in grade 6 you should read this article. Today I will be giving you 3 Crucial tips on how to survive and have fun in grade 6. Give 110% in everything you do. This includes paying attention, being engaged, focusing and doing your work. Paying attention is a crucial part in doing great in grade 6. Just listen to the teacher and you won't get in nearly as much trouble compared to talking to a friend. Be engaged, you will get so much more done, which will bring up your grades. Focus and do your work, if you do this you will not have as much homework. Be prepared. Make sure you have everything (scissors, glue, highlighters, ECT) you need for class. If you do this, you will get your work done

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