
Cuba Research Paper

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The island of Cuba has an abundant history in politics, religion and Politeness. Cuba is the largest island of the West Indies group is the same size of Pennsylvania, Cuba is west of Haiti and the Dominican Republic, and 90 miles south of Key West, Fla., Cuba’s island is at the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico. Arawak or Taino Indians were the indigenous land owner of Cuba before Columbus landed on the island 1492. Arawak or Taino Indians died from diseases brought by Columbus Sailors and settlers. By 1511, Spaniards under Diego Velásquez had established settlements. The current Constitution of Cuba was accepted by a ballot on February 24, 1976, and was revised three times in 1978, 1992 and in 2002 Cuba is an independent socialist republic that is controlled by 1 party, the Cuban Communist Party which Fidel Castro is the head, with his brother, Raul Castro as vice-president. The current Cuban constitution, written in 1976, has many of the same …show more content…

The largest organized religion is the Roman Catholic Church. Afro-Cuban religions, a mixture of native African religions and Roman Catholicism, are widely practiced in Cuba. Cuba has been an atheist state for most of the Castro period. In 1962, the administration of Fidel Castro seized and shut down more than 400 Catholic schools indicting that church’s spread dangerous beliefs among the people. In 1991, the Communist Party lifted its prohibition against religious followers seeking membership, and a year later the constitution was amended to characterize the state as nonspiritual instead of atheist. Virtually 90 percent of the Cuban population was allegedly Roman Catholic in pre-revolutionary Cuba, practicing Roman Catholics was probably less than 10 percent. About half of all Cubans were agnostic, slightly more than 40 percent were Christian, and that less than 2 percent practiced Afro-Cuban

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