
Cultural Differences Between Germany And The United States

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If you were to travel to Germany and stay in someone’s home, you would immediately tell a difference between your home in the United States and the one you’re staying at. In Germany, you will find that there are some things they do not have that we have and vice versa. These different countries and cultures supply us with different households. Some similarities are shared between German households and United States household. While shopping for a house in either countries, it is not as common to find a home that is furnished compared to one that is unfurnished. Once you get a lease for the house, you usually pay monthly. After beginning to rent an apartment or home, it is usual to get a roommate. Having a roommate and sharing the rent is a normal thing to do in both countries. Even though we live in different cultures and countries, we still have some similarities to share. …show more content…

Large yards and gardens in the front of the house is not as abundant as in United States. Once you walk into a German home, you will find that there are more rooms rather than open space. Germans tend to prefer more compartments and closed in areas (House and Home). Their homes do not contain light fixtures and many kitchen appliances. You’re home or apartment when you begin renting it is often bare and void of anything inside (How to Germany). When storing your clothes, you often put them inside of a Kleiderschrank, almost like a wardrobe here in the United States. Screens in windows are also not as common (Daily Life in the US vs. Germany). This allows Germans to air out their homes easier and provide another form of cooling off in the summer since there is no air conditioning. Toilets are also different. Instead of having a flush pedal, there are two buttons for “number one” and “number

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