
Cultural Differences In Healthcare

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Cultural differences, language barriers, values, customs, beliefs of either the health care provider or the population may prevent an individual from getting the full benefits of the health care services. For instance, a patient may not get treated as well by a health care provider because of their issues. This includes not only a difference in treatment, but how they act towards the patient. A rehabilitation center may offer someone else a bed. When people are treated with respect, they have an increase in motivation. More motivation results in more progress. If there is a language barrier, having the client express their concerns or wants may be difficult. A way cultural differences may be seen is wanting a male occupational therapist. Based on their cultural they will refuse treatment from a female health care provider. Knowing the clients culture before you start treatment will result in the individual receiving the full benefits of health care.
2) Using the text book and information from The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured (KCMU): What are the characteristics of those who are uninsured? (Slide #7)
The characteristics of those who are uninsured includes, adults more than children, minorities, poor and the near poor are at the greatest risk, and people who work. One or more full-time workers increases your chance of being uninsured. The largest age group that is uninsured is people between the ages of 19-34.

3) What are the consequences of not getting

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