
Cultural Reflection

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Culture is, learned, shared human patterns or models for living; day- to-day, these patterns and models pervade all aspects of human social interaction. Personally I have lived In the religious culture environment of Christianity since birth. Christianity is what I believe defines who I am for the most part. Although I believe that culture can be learned, it is different from actually experiencing it, therefore one should actually live the culture to become fully knowledgeable in it . Being born into Christianity to me was definitely an advantage, as I got to learn the religion since a young age. Both of my parents have always been very involved in church activities, because of this, religion is very important to me. I go to church a minimum of three times a week. The religion of Christianity is not as simple as many believe it to be. There are many types of Christians, for instance, I am a Pentecostal Christian, which has many fundamentals. Thanksgiving, New Year’s, and Fourth of July are the only holidays I celebrate. To me, this is normal since I have only participated in those traditions, so there is nothing for me to miss from the others. Although, Christmas is a holiday I would like to celebrate, as I know of some pentecostal Christians that do celebrate it because it is all based on your church. As a kid, one of the holidays I did wait for was Halloween, not because I celebrated it, but because on that day, I got to miss school. Not being allowed to dress up,

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