
Culture and Civilization

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Culture and Civilization
According to anthropologists of 19th century, Culture is earlier and Civilization is later. Everything created by man is culture, civilization is an advanced state of cultural development. Culture developed in three stages:
Savagery >> Barbarianism >> Civilization
(Acts of cruel and violent behavior)
(Extremely cruel and unpleasant behavior)
Alfred Louis Kroeber said Culture is super organic, he has given three forms of culture namely Social Culture (Status and Role), Value Culture (Philosophy, Morals) and Reality Culture (Science and Technology, etc). According to Kroeber civilization is a part of reality culture. Robert Redfield said culture is a totality of traditions and civilization is a …show more content…

Civilization is a bigger unit than culture because it is a complex aggregate of the society that dwells within a certain area, along with its forms of government, norms, and even culture. Thus, culture is just a spec or a portion of an entire civilization. For example, the Egyptian civilization has an Egyptian culture in the same way as the Greek

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