My favorite constellation is Cygnus the Swan mostly because of one of the stories that corresponds to it. Cygnus in Latin literally mean “swan!” It is the 16th largest constellation, and it consists of ten stars.The two most notable stars in this constellation are Deneb and Albireo at the tail and head of the constellation. Deneb, a blue-white supergiant at the tail, is the brightest star in Cygnus and the 19th brightest star in the sky! It makes up the Summer Triangle along with Vega and Altair,and is estimated to be 60,000 times brighter than our sun! The interesting thing about Albireo, the star at the head of Cygnus, is the fact that it is not one star but two! As you can see in the picture above and to the far right, one is a light blue …show more content…
On one day, they decided to have a race in their chariots around the sun and back to Earth. So, they took off through the sky, each wanting to win more than the other. They knew that the sun might be the turning point. Whoever could cut closest to the sun wouldn’t have to race as far. However, they weren’t destined to finish the race. In their attempt to cut the closest and go the fastest, their chariots melted because of the heat. They fell all the way back to Earth. When Cygnus regained his consciousness, he began looking for his friend. After hours of hard searching and desperate worrying, he found Phaeton under the roots of a tree in the Eridanus River. Cygnus tried to retrieve his friend to give him a proper burial allowing him to pass peacefully into the afterlife, but he couldn’t reach him no matter how deep he dived or how hard he tried. Almost completely overcome with grief, Cygnus prayed to the great god Zeus to show him a way to retrieve his friend. So Zeus made a deal with Cygnus. Since a swan could easily reach Phaeton, Zeus told Cygnus that he could turn him into a swan, but Cygnus would have to stay a swan for life, and live the life span of a swan. (The average lifespan of a swan is about 7 years in the wild.) Despite the shortened life and different body, Cygnus didn’t hesitate to accept, and he gave Phaeton a proper burial. Later, when Cygnus died long before …show more content…
Rather, I should say the animals who weren’t directly related on the food chain got along well. :) However, the one exception was the squirrel family. Note that this was the nobody's fault, as the squirrels loved to joke and jump around while the other animals strongly disapproved. Then, one night while she was out hunting, an owl received word of a plan to flood their valley, the only place all of the animals had ever called home, in two days time. Being the sensible owl she was, she started to spread the word and a plan to escape. By the next day, everyone knew except the squirrels who had made the rest so mad the day before, no one wanted to talk to them. So, they set out into the unknown away from the shark and flood that were going to take over in two days. The squirrels were left sleeping off all the sweet acorns they ate the other
My Favorite Constellation is Hercules. Hercules is the fifth largest constellation in the sky, occupying an area of 1225 square feet in the sky. I've chosen this constellation because I quite enjoy the Greek myth behind it.
I have chosen the Perseus Constellation. I chose that contallation because I have always liked the Greek Gods mythology. Perseus, named after the Greek Mythology hero, is a constellation in the Northen Sky. Perseus is bordered by Aries and Taurus to the south, Auriga to the east, Camelopardalis and Cassiopeia to the north, and Andromeda and Triangulum the west.
I've choosen apus as my favourite constellation, because it is a very inconspicuous constellation, but yet very beautiful. I love this simplicity of the constellation. It's the 67th of the 88 modern constellations. It's covers an area of 206 square degrees. It's located in the southern hemisphere and can be seen between the the latidutes +5° and -90°. Apus doesn't contain any known planets and it's brightest star is "Alpha Apodis".
The constellation that I have chosen is Capricornus. Capricornus is one of the twelve zodiac constellations, and it symbolizes the sea-goat. The best time to see this constellation would be at ten o'clock at night in September and October, especially if you live in the Northern Hemisphere. I chose this constellation because according to Astrology I am a Capricorn and thought it would be interesting to know more about the constellation relating to my zodiac sign. Capricornus has five stars with planets in it's constellation.
Aquarius is my favorite constellation because its my zodiac sign and so i feel more attached to it than others! Plus Aquarius in Fairy tail is pretty cool. Aquarius's name is Latin for "water bearer" and it's symbol is obviously water. The constellation lies by the constellations Pisces and Capricornus. The constellation is the 10th largest in the sky and was discovered by Ptolemy.
The constellation I have chosen to write about is Orion. This is one of the most famous constellations in the night sky. I chose this one because as I stated, it is very famous, and because it is one of those constellations that I have seen many times. Orion is a hunter, so the constellation shows a man holding a club and shield. It is easily recognized by the three stars in a line that form the hunter's belt.
My favorite constellation by far is the Gemini constellation. The Gemini constellation is my favorite because my star sign is Gemini. And it is fairly easy to spot in the night sky, although the best viewing month is in February.
This was a constellation I learned about on my own when I was younger. We had Greek Week at school where we were broken up into groups and given an ancient town. My group had Athens, so we recreated the city and we did “battle” with the other cities. Our teacher set up many educational and fun games that week. It was then that I really fell in love with mythology. I found various versions of the story of Cygnus the Swan, but this one always stuck with me.
Pegasus is my favorite constellation. It lies in the northern sky and looks like a box with legs. I like the idea of a horse with wings that can not only gallop across land but also fly freely through the sky. I dream sometimes of having my own winged horse to ride and for this reason Pegasus is my favorite constellation.
I have chosen the Orion constellation, or the hunter constellation as some call it. I chose this constellation because it is a beautiful constellation. Orion is the brightest and most beautiful of the winter constellations. Some of its stars, including Betelgeuse and Rigel, are among the brightest stars. While it was named after the hunter in Greek mythology it is definitely not stealthy. Orion is one of the most prominent and recognizable constellations in the sky and can be seen throughout the world. It is located on the celestial equator.
Rosa, thank you for your discussion. I also noticed that there were similar questions asked. Did you notice as well that they were strategically placed in the beginning, middle and end? The COPE is provide a form of psychoeducation for the client to learn how they are able to handle stress and learn to cope. Additionally the COPE assessment can help the clinical in determining in there is an underlying substance dependency (Carver, Scheier, and Weintraub, 1989). For example, a client that is court mandated because of a domestic violence situation the COPE assessment can assist in the clinical to determine their current ability in handling the stress and by what means they are using to cope. Therefore, the clinican can determine if additional
Constellations are pictures or shapes that ancient people discovered in the night sky. Some of the most popular constellations are the twelve Zodiac signs. Another famous constellation is Orion, or ‘The Hunter’. I chose to write about Orion because personally I love the story of how his constellation came to be. He is one of the main constellations I always notice in the night sky.
My favourite costellation is the Aquarius constellation, which is in the Southern Hemisphere during the spring, while in the Northern Hemisphere during the fall. This is my favourite constellation because to me, it is the most beautiful and is one of the most important backgrounds. In my personal opinion, it also has the most meaning to it. The term Aquarius means "Water Bearer" or "Cup Bearer" in Latin.
The constellation I've chosen is Orion "The Hunter", because it is one of the most well known constellations in the night sky. It is one of the few I know and can point out in the night sky, although usually I can only see the belt. Orion also has my favorite star in it; the Betelguese red giant. When I was younger, I read a lot of astronomy books, and I remember reading about red giants and how big they were. That really interested me, because it was just so mind blowing at the time how unfathomably large space is.
I have chosen the Pegasus constellation because of its amazing and complex shape. The Pegasus constellation is located in the northern hemisphere and is one of the largest constellations in the universe. Pegasus is the seventh largest constellation and it occupies 1121 square degrees. You can see it at latitudes between +90º and -60º. It is located in the forth quadrant of the northern hemisphere. It has 9 stars in its constellation and its largest and brightest star is Enif. It is bordered by Andromeda to the North and East, Lacerta to the North, Cygnus to the Northwest, Vulpecula, Delphinus, and Equuleus to the West, Aquarius to the South and Pisces to the South and East.