
Cyp Core 3.1 3.4

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CYP CORE 3.1 (3.4) How different types of interventions can promote positive outcomes for children and young people where development is not following the expected pattern. Occupational Therapist An Occupational Therapist will come into school and work with children who may have difficulties with gross or fine motor skills. They assess the needs of a child and provide advice for what can be done for the child to help them with any difficulties. For example; they may recommend special equipment/aids for the child. The benefit to the child is that they can partake in activities with their peers rather than be left out. This ensures the child has maximum opportunities in school and doesn’t have to miss any lessons. Speech Therapist …show more content…

For children with specific health needs the nurse is involved in the care plan for the child. This ensures all staff working with the child are aware of the child’s needs and what they have to do if the child is unwell. The school nurse can also be involved in “in school training”. For example: giving all staff training on the use of epi-pens for use if a child has a severe anaphylactic shock. The benefit for the child is that they have someone who they can talk to in confidence

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