
D1/D2 . I Am Going To Focussing On The Foundation Phase

Decent Essays

I am going to focussing on the foundation phase which is the framework which is used in childcare setting in Wales. This framework was first introduced in September 2006 for all children aged 3-7 years old. In this assignment I will be concentrating on how the foundation phase affects children 's play and learning.
In will also be focussing on two key issues in relation to the foundation phase. The first body issue is child initiative and adult-led activities. The second key issue is planning.
These two key issues are very important in relation to the foundation phase framework as the framework ensures that learning is promoted through play which will then require very detailed planning and a balance between child initiative play …show more content…

The Montessori approach aims to promote children 's holistic development but by stepping back and allowing the children to play by themselves without intervention. Practitioners are expected to step back and only get involved in the children 's learning only if invited or if the child is at risk of harming themselves or other children. I think that it is important that practitioners get involved in children 's play and learning only to improve the child’s current learning. They could do this by challenging them or by asking the children questions to further the child’s learning. This could also be done through adult-led activities as they are more structured as APPOSE to the child-led activities. Child-led activities are SPONTANOUS and are often do not have a certain aim where as in adult-led activities have an aim that is expected to be reached by the end of the activity.
Planning is also very important within the foundation phase as all activities and areas must be planned in order to ensure the children are being challenged and that it promotes the child’s holistic development. The activities must be enjoyable but also suitable for all individual children abilities in order for the them to stay focussed learning new things. It is also important that when planning practitioners put the child at the centre of the planning to make sure that children

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