
Dalton Gregg's Presentation Summary

Decent Essays

For the last presentation of the semester students were asked to review the Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) form their organizations. This resulted in numerous presentations on different organization types. The organizations I focused on were the University Fire Department (UFD) and the U.S. Navy. This was accomplished after viewing Dalton Gregg, Adam Biernat, and Ron Hoogestraat’s presentations. Each had their own unique components and covered the program benefits for the organization’s employees.

Dalton Gregg’s presentation, I Need Help, was the first that I reviewed and found to cover in-depth the employees that benefit from the EAPs offered to his organization. To understand the general coverage it must be understood that the UFD falls under the University of Alaska overarching employee benefits. Thus UFD …show more content…

In his presentation he listed all the EAP options available for assistance provided by the University of Alaska –some of which are job or work stress, alcohol, drug and other substance abuse, anxiety and depression, and many more. These programs as stated are offered through a third party, ComPsych, to all eligible faculty, staff, and their dependents. While not personally having experience with any of the EAPs offered he described that another individual in the fire department has used the counseling session and found them beneficial. Throughout his presentation he addressed many common questions that could be asked by any interested individual. The most helpful answer was that there was no initial cost when dealing with counseling session because up to 6 were paid for by the university with qualified councilors. Lastly, the improvements he suggested were that employees be more informed of these opportunities so they can benefit from the services

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