
The No Show Consultant Essay

Decent Essays

The No Show Consultant


A top consultant at a firm is a no show at a client installation. The employee’s manager has uncovered damaging information while searching for his missing employee. According to other clients he has arrived late or not at all to previous appointments and has an increasing problem with his temper. The manager finally locates the missing consultant by contacting his neighbor. The employee explains he is having problems due to his wife leaving him and has abused alcohol. He states that he is not an alcoholic and will get his act together. The manager agrees to give him another chance. I agree with the manager’s decision; however I would make attending a treatment program and counseling mandatory. …show more content…

One study of 199 commercial airline pilots who were advised to seek treatment for alcoholism from 1973 to 1989 found that 87 percent returned to flight duties after treatment and only 13 percent of those who accepted treatment relapsed.

I would conclude that retaining the employee would be the best solution given his overall track record. Putting into place an agreement with the employee of counseling, treatment and improved work performance should suffice.


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Jone Johnson

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