
Dance Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

As a first year member of the Dixie State University Dance Company, I have observed and learned many different skill sets. I have had the opportunity to work with quite a few individual choreographers and dancers throughout the semester and have gained a variety of different skills and outlooks on the various styles we do in Dance Company. I have seen improvement in all the areas, dance technique, artistic expression, personal discipline, and collaborative skills and cannot wait to continue to grow. Regarding technique, I have definitely seen an improvement in mine when it comes to every style of dance, especially; ballet, modern, and hip hop. These styles all have a slightly different expectation for their personalized technique. Through my fortunate participation in Lisa’s Ballet piece I have been able to see my ballet technique improve greatly in things such as the carrying of the chest, softening of the arms, hyperextension of my knees, and following of the head to polish movements. Never doing moden before my understanding of the technique of modern has greatly increased as I have learned to apply these techniques to my body. Modern has also helped me greatly with the alignment of my spine, though I need to continue to work on my alignment as well as other things, I have noticed such a difference in my everyday life. Before now, I have ever been completely interested in hip hop but because of Dance Company I have found a whole new appreciation from it. Although my

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