
Daniel Boone Essay

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Daniel Boone was born on October 22, 1734 and later died on September 26, 1820. He was an American pioneer and hunter whose frontier explorations made him one of the first heroes of the United States. Boone is most famous for his exploration and settlement of what is now the state of Kentucky. Despite resistance from American Indians, for whom Kentucky was a traditional hunting ground, in 1775 Boone blazed the Wilderness Road through the Cumberland Gap and into Kentucky. There he founded Boonesborough, one of the first English-speaking settlements beyond the Appalachian Mountains. Before the end of the 18th century, more than 200,000 people entered Kentucky by following the route marked by Boone.
It was the first day of May in 1769. …show more content…

The guys did whatever the Indians asked them to until the seventh day. It was in the middle of the night and everybody was asleep except Daniel. He woke John Stewart and they snuck out of the Indians sight very quickly in hopes of finding their old campsite. They finally came upon there old camp and found that everybody was gone home.
Daniel Boone and John Stewart were alone now; well that's what they thought. Just as the two were getting ready to leave the old camp, Daniel's brother Squire Boone and his friend came upon the campsite in search of Daniel. They were really shock to have found each other but were happy because they were all together now. Soon after they all met, John Stewart was captured by the Indians and later killed and the man that came with his brother had returned home by himself. They were now left alone out in the dangerous forests surrounded by savages all alone. They tried to make the best out of them being alone as they could. They actually had some enjoyable times out there together. They continued to hunt and prepared a new cottage to stay in. They remained there unharmed until the winter, and on the first day of May, 1770, Daniel's brother returned home to the settlement to get horses and ammunition. This left Daniel all alone, without anything to eat or anybody to help him hunt or protect himself. While his brother was gone, Daniel

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