
Danielle Henderson Biography

Decent Essays

My peer I assessed is Danielle Henderson. She was born December 2nd ,1988 in Washington D.C. She is Black in race and a junior in trinity Washington University. She is currently attending her first semester in nursing school and hopes to graduate in the spring of 2018.
Nutritional Status and Physical fitness She recalled her 24 hours’ diet as, Bacon egg and cheese sandwich for breakfast, Salad for lunch and fried chicken with mash potatoes and mac and cheese for dinner. She is 119 pound and 5’5 tall. Her body mass index is 19.8 which is in the normal range and she considered as a woman with a healthy weight. She doesn’t exercise much because she can barely make time for it with everything she has to do but she tries to walk and do in home exercise with the little free time she gets.
Life stressor
She has a lot of life stressor that she over comes in everyday of her life. Danielle is a mother of one, she has an eight years old daughter. One of her life stressor is providing to her daughter, keeping her safe while at the same time trying to set a good example to her and discipline her so she can become a smart independent women one day. On top of all her responsibilities to raise her daughter, she also has to arrange a place for her daughter to stay at when she is taking her night classes and when she is at work. …show more content…

She doesn’t believe in any certain religion in general but she seeks advise from a Christian leadership. When she needs strength and motivation she prays to the higher being. She believes she can do anything if she puts her mind to it. Not being a part of a religion does not make her feel less because it is a choice she made for her self with nobody pushing her. Their might not be a set of guide lines she follows like other religion but she believes that the higher power will protect her. Community

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