
Nutritional Quackery

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- The main topic of this article is about how a woman named Kelly Smith, lost 195lbs using appetite suppressant weight loss protein shakes - She began her final weight loss journey at 400lbs and started eating less than 1500 calories a day - Buys this specific brand called IdealShape for her, "creamy and sweet" shakes - Article is from the magazine, Woman's World
- The article claims that all the protein in the shakes would help Kelly build muscle, "making her stronger and speeding up her metabolism" (Saible, 2017)
Nutritional Quackery Testimonials: - Kelly claims that she lost weight specifically from 1 product called, IdealShape - Realistically lost weight because initially, she was eating 3282 calories in snacks alone, plus three meals a day - Each shake is roughly 110 …show more content…

This article is the purest example of nutritional quackery. It provides readers with a third-person story of a woman named Kelly Smith, who lost 195lbs on a specific "special-ingredient" weight loss shake. The brand is mentioned numerous times and offered a 15% off code. Moreover, with the article obviously being an ad for this company, the author uses uncited, fake sources from ambiguous universities. The diet also insists that a person eats less than 1500 calories per day, with two of those meals being the liquid shakes that contain an appetite suppressant. This way of losing weight may be easy, but in no way, is it healthy. The article, "Kelly Lost 195lbs Using Special-Ingredient Shakes That Work Like Gastric Bypass!" by Woman's World, is an obvious example of nutritional quackery, and any advice from this article should be ignored or further consulted by a

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