
Data Protection Act 1998 : The Eight Principles Of The Data And Information Stored On Databases Essay

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Data Protection Act 1998
This legislation protects people’s data and information stored on databases. Data subjects are people whose personal data is stored, the rights given to data subjects are: right of subject access, right of correction, right to prevent distress, right to prevent direct marketing, right to prevent automatic decisions, right of compliant to the information commissioner and right to compensation.
The eight principles of the data protection act that companies need to adhere to are:
1. used lawfully and fairly
2. used for specified purposes
3. used inadequately or excessively
4. used accurately
5. not kept longer than necessary
6. handled according to data subject’s data protection rights
7. ensure safety and security of data
8. ensure adequate protection if transferred outside the European Economic Area when companies want to use personal data and share data with third parties they have to ask permission from the person whose data they wish to use. On e-commerce sites they can do this by presenting tick boxes when a user enters their details.

Computer Misuse Act 1990
This act was introduced to deal with problems caused by hacking. It helps organisations deal with hacking by making the following offences: unauthorised access to computer material, unauthorised access with the intent of facilitating or committing a crime, unauthorised modification of computer material, and supplying, making or obtaining anything that can be used computer misuse crimes.

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