
Daycare Children

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Developmental Outcomes of Daycare Children As stated prior, depending on the quality of the daycare, the developmental outcomes of children who were in daycare can differ. For children in high quality daycare, they are exposed to a highly social environment where they create multiple peer relationships. The children are encouraged to interact with one another and they learn from each other as well as from the staff members. By being exposed to peer relationships at a young age, children have the opportunity to begin to create their identity to use later in life (Puroila & Estola, 2013). During adolescence, children go through the process of creating their own identity. They find where they fit in, they learn what careers they may want to …show more content…

"Active gene-environment correlation refers to the fact that an individual actively selects certain environments and takes away different things from his/her environment, and these processes are influenced by an individual's genotype. Therefore, an individual predisposed to high sensation seeking may be more prone to attend parties and meet new people, thereby actively influencing the environment he/she experiences" (Dick, 2011). Based on the active gene-environment theory, people who have been in the highly social environment of daycare during most of their childhood may enjoy being around other people. Because they enjoy being around other people, these children, when they grow up, may decide to go into careers that are also very social in nature like nursing or public relations (Ispa, Thornburg, & Gray, …show more content…

Active gene-environment correlations are seen when a child who grows up in a certain environment feels most comfortable in that certain environment (Sigelman & Rider, 2015) Therefore, a child who grows up in their own household taken care of by a select few people may feel comfortable in that type of secluded environment away from the highly social environments that a child who grew up in a daycare setting might crave. It has been proposed that children who grew up in more isolated environments would be found to be the ones who choose career choices based on where they feel most comfortable; for example working in a laboratory away from most social interaction (Ispa, Thornburg, & Gray,

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