
Dbq Monument

Decent Essays

People can honor a historical figure or event in various ways, such as a film or museum. People may also memorialize events or people with a monument. Monuments help remember great moments of achievement and they pay homage to deep sacrifice. When creating a monument to commemorate a person or event, a group or agency should consider the factors of location, size, and material.
To memorialize a person or event, a group or agency should take location as a key factor of consideration. Location helps emphasize the importance of a person or event. Creating a monument of a person in the place where they made history elevates their greatness even more. People should also have easy access to this prime location. A beautiful park or an accessible place where the person held close to their heart can aggrandize the meaning of the monument. For instance, the monument of Christopher Columbus resides in Riverside Park, Easton, Pennsylvania (Source B). Columbus stands tall in a beautiful park with trees in the background, clearly visible and appealing to the public. …show more content…

If a group or agency utilizes a cheap and nondurable material, then it reflects the subject of the monument as insignificant or something that does not require attention. To honor the famous lobster trapper H. Elroy Johnson, an artist composed “a sculpture titled ‘The Maine Lobsterman’” (Source F). The artist wanted to compose the sculpture out of bronze nevertheless, the artist painted the sculpture bronze because of the lack of money. This resulted the sculpture to seem fake. Maine passed the sculpture around from “museum to museum” because “no one seemed to want the man and his lobster” that was constructed out of fake bronze (F). This deemed the man and sculpture insignificant and easily overlooked. Material can greatly change the feeling of remembrance and its effect on those paying homage to an event or

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